Messy Church: Nativity

Christmas is such a special time and although things are different this year, we can still gather and celebrate the birth of a very special baby... a baby who changed the world! This Messy Church at home session focuses on the true meaning of Christmas and explores the theme of God’s gift to us in Jesus.

Thanks be to God for his gift that is too wonderful to describe!
2 Corinthians 9:15 (ERV)


Try this collage activity. The nativity scene will be great to have as a decoration over your mantelpiece or on your wall.  Read through the nativity story in your bible to remind yourself of what to include in your work of art. 

Here are some materials ideas. If you can’t get exactly these materials, just see what you can find around the house instead!

Nativity collage

You will need: paper or card; egg boxes; coloured pens or crayons; glue; different materials from your home or garden.
Create the wonderful Nativity picture or model using different materials! Gather materials from around the home, and enjoy a nature hunt outside to find natural items such as sticks, stones, soil and leaves. Draw, colour and stick to make your messy Nativity collage.

Talk about all the different people, animals, textures and smells in the Nativity story. Can you imagine what it must have been like in the stable? Talk together about how perfectly messy the Nativity story is and how from it, we received the best gift ever in Jesus.


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