
A Prayer on the Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan by John the Baptist

  God of all righteousness, we need the life and grace that you alone can give.  Open the heavens to us  and pour out your Holy Spirit  so that we may live as your beloved children. God of all wilderness wanderers,  you sent John to prepare the way for Jesus Christ, your beloved son.  Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us  so that, like John, we may proclaim  the time to turn from sinfulness  and the good news of your grace. Gracious God, in Jesus Christ,  baptized by John in the Jordan,  you came to share our life  and deliver us from sin and death.  As we are baptized with water  pour out your Holy Spirit upon us  to make us your beloved children;  through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

Watch: Holy Communion for Sunday 1 January 2021


Prayers for Epiphany

"On entering the house, the three wise men saw the child, Jesus, with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh." Arise, shine, for the Light of the World has come! Darkness covers the earth and its people, but the radiance of God's Light burns away its shadows, illuminates the smallest corner, and heralds in the start of a new dawn, where hearts no longer fear, souls might be set free, and sister shall follow brother, nation shall follow nation, and kings and princes bow down in awe before the one who comes to reign. Arise, shine, for the Light of the World has come! Alleluia! We are drawn to your feet in worship Your creation facing its creator Hearts laid bare by your light Humbly asking for your mercy. We come to you as a people in need of assurance and forgiveness. We come to you as a people in need of healing and wholeness. We come dependent upon your love. D

Video: Holy Communion for Sunday 3 January 2021:


Christmas Communion - December 2020


A Christmas Acclamation

Praise and adoration be to our God, for he is good. His grace and mercy fill the heavens and earth. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, and joyfully praise our creator. As a father, he loves us, his children. Sing his praises with joyful thanks in love and devotion! Let us love him who has loved us since the world began. Who would not love God from the heart? We can not give him adequate praise. Still, in heaven he receives with goodwill our joyful songs of praise and pours much joy into our souls, whenever we thank him, whenever we live in him. Sing to Jesus Christ praise, thanks and glory, for he came from heaven to destroy sin and death for us and by his precious, willing sacrifice, restored innocence and peace. Already here on earth he renews joy and life to us by his grace. Still greater bliss is prepared there for those who love him when one day they will be renewed in his image, made new and holy, and awakened from death. Let us rejoice in our holy God! Let us rejoi

A Christmas Prayer by Robert Louis Stevenson

Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus, That we may share in the song of the angels, The gladness of the shepherds, And worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate And open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift And good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing, which Christ brings And teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us Happy to be thy children And Christmas evening bring us To our beds with grateful thoughts Forgiving and forgiven For Jesus sake Amen.    — Robert Louis Stevenson    

A Christmas Prayer

Christ, for whom there was no room in the inn, give courage to all who are homeless; in your mercy hear our prayer.   Christ, who fled into Egypt, give comfort to all refugees; in your mercy hear our prayer.   Christ, who fasted in the desert, give relief to all who are starving; in your mercy hear our prayer.   Christ, who hung in agony on the cross, give strength to all who suffer; in your mercy hear our prayer.   Lord of the Church hear our prayer, and make us one in heart and mind to serve you with joy for ever. Amen.    

Watch: Holy communion for Sunday 20 December 2020:


Messy Church: Nativity

Christmas is such a special time and although things are different this year, we can still gather and celebrate the birth of a very special baby... a baby who changed the world! This Messy Church at home session focuses on the true meaning of Christmas and explores the theme of God’s gift to us in Jesus. Thanks be to God for his gift that is too wonderful to describe! 2 Corinthians 9:15 (ERV) Activity: Try this collage activity. The nativity scene will be great to have as a decoration over your mantelpiece or on your wall.  Read through the nativity story in your bible to remind yourself of what to include in your work of art.  Here are some materials ideas. If you can’t get exactly these materials, just see what you can find around the house instead! Nativity collage You will need: paper or card; egg boxes; coloured pens or crayons; glue; different materials from your home or garden. Create the wonderful Nativity picture or model using different materials! Gather materials from around

Watch: Holy Communion for Sunday 13 December 2020


Watch Holy Communion for Sunday 6 December 2020:



The bible tells of two men meeting Jesus just after he was crucified, and was raised from the dead. A confusing, sad time turns into an amazing surprise – it just took a walk, a wait and a meal! Read the account in Luke 24:13-35. It’s a great story with a brilliant ending! Footprints activity: You will need: cardboard; craft knife or scissors; chopping board; sticky tack or PVA glue; paper; paint With adult supervision, cut the cardboard into the rough shape of little feet (a small disc will be fine, if a foot shape is too fiddly) – make them small enough to stick on to the end of your finger as if your finger is the leg. Stick a foot with sticky tack or PVA glue on to the tip of your middle and index fingers, dip into the paint and ‘walk’ your feet along the paper, leaving a footprint trail behind. Repeat it with a different colour of paint walking beside the first set. Then, with a third colour, add a third set of footprints joining the first two half way across the paper. Talk and t

Watch our Advent Sunday (29 November 2020) service. (To play video, click on "Read More" under the image)


Messy Church at Home: Holy Spirit Hovercraft!

With advent, we are reminded of the first coming of Jesus our saviour God, as a baby, as well as His second coming, still to take place. In these “In between” times, we can know God as comforter and friend in the third person of the trinity, the promised Holy Spirit. He promises to live in us when we confess our sin and invite Him into our lives. This Messy Church activity simply reminds us that God’s Holy Spirit, who desires to live in us, is the same Spirit of power, that hovered over the waters at the creation of the heavens and the earth (Genesis chapter 1; verse 1).   You will need: sports cap bottle lids, such as those used on Fruit Shoots; blank CD/DVDs; balloons; superglue; glue sticks; sequins; marker pens. Beforehand, glue the bottle lids to the CDs. To do this, remove the sports-cap lid from the bottle and push it down so it is closed. Glue the lid to the centre of the underside of the disk around the hole, and leave it to dry overnight. Decorate the underside of the disk an

Holy Communion for Sunday 22 November 2020 (to play video, click on "Read More" under the image)


"Hope": A Reflection

I hope it won’t rain tomorrow.  I hope I don’t lose my job.  I hope my friend will get better.  We’re always hoping, hoping.  But with these hopes come lots of doubts.  Even the best weather forecasts can’t guarantee it won’t rain tomorrow.  The current COVID pandemic does not guarantee that we will have a job.  And none of us know how long we have left in this life.  Lives can change in an instant. The word “ Hope ” is commonly used to mean a wish: its strength is in the strength of the person's desire. It means to trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone.  It is a word we use a lot. Recently on TV, there was a programme called ‘My family, the Holocaust and Me’.  In it Rob Rinder said that what came through his mother’s tragic story was ‘Hope’.  We all need hope. In the New Testament, hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness.  In our New Testament reading from Ephesians, Paul prays that the God of our

Messy Church at Home: Week Six

Hits at Advent Messy Church sessions were decorated Advent Candles. They really seem to absorb a wide range of folk -  Dads and Mums, Grandads and Grandmas, aunties and uncles, as well as children,  all really get into it and produced superb candles.  Just buy a few white candles - 1 inch diameter (ordinary dinner candles would do fine), and pens that will write on wax - permanent OHP pens, or the kind of markers sold to write on CDs are fine. Candle paint works of course but it's more expensive and it takes a while to dry. To help things along make a guide on a sheet of paper with a line marked with 24 divisions to lay the candle against - clearly this depends on the size of your candles. Just use the guide to help you mark your candle and number the divisions. The candles can be decorated with Christmassy pictures. Really simple but a great countdown to Christmas as we prepare ourselves by thinking about the story of Jesus'  birth, and the fulfillment of the Old Testament pro

Holy Communion for Sunday 15 November 2020: (click on "Read More" under the image to play the video)


"I Feel Like a Lump of Coal"

I was recently in a Zoom meeting when someone said “I feel like a lump of coal”.  We were discussing the current world crisis and its effect on the church and ourselves as individuals.  The person who said this was feeling very low due to her own personal circumstances and I began to think about the meaning of what she said.  A dirty piece of coal does not look attractive and seems quite useless.  In fact, unless it is in a fire burning with other coals, it will not do what it is meant to do.  If a single coal is taken out of the fire, it no longer burns - it dies.  We are like coals and we need fellowship with others as part of spiritual growth.  This is very difficult in the present situation when we can’t meet together in groups and it is easy to feel alone and isolated.    Coal is made of carbon and we can learn a lot from exploring the various kinds of carbon.  We are all equal in the eyes of God.  We are one but we have different characters, even changing at different times.  L